Other miscellaneous items such as poppies, place mats, mouse mats, mugs etc. can be found by searching on internet/eBay or contact the Merchandise Officer using Contact Form. Check appropriate websites for latest prices.
For RN BERETS - visit:
https://www.cadetdirect.com/genuine-royal-navy-beret-brand-new - Plain Beret
https://www.cadetdirect.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=Rn+beret+badge - Beret Badge
HMS Ajax Royal Navy Frigate Ship's Crest Lapel Pin
£6.00 plus postage
HMS Ajax Royal Navy (Frigate) Remembrance Flower Lapel Pin
£9.00 plus postage (with £1 going to the Armed Forces Charity)
Visit www.militaryremembrancepins.com for further details and to order