A link to a trip article that appeared in The Association of Royal Navy Officers Newsletter can be found here
Graf Spee Anchor
Ajax Anchor Memorial Punta del Este
Piper at Holy Trinity Cathedral Montevideo
Holy Trinity Cathedral Service Montevideo
Unveiling Plaque Holy Trinity Cathedral
Descendents of Admiral Harwood laying wreath Holy Trinity Cathedral Montevideo
Santa Cuz Hotel Chile
Caroline & Louise, Granddaughters of Ajax captain Charles Woodhouse - at Hotel Ajax Punta del Este
Louise & Caroline, Granddaughters of Ajax captain Charles Woodhouse - at Ajax Anchor Memorial Punta del Este
British Ambassador's Residence Santiago
Louise & Caroline, Granddaughters of Ajax captain Charles Woodhouse - laying wreath at Holy Trinity Cathedral Montevideo
Santiago skyline
German & British Defence Attachés and Rüdiger Nedden, husband of Langsdorff's daughter Inge
Igne, Langsdorff's daughter & husband Rüdiger Nedden on ROU Capitán Miranda
Aboard ROU Capitán Miranda sailing to Graf Spee scuttle site
The Chile group
The family of Admiral Harwood at the Achilles Grave
Members at the German Cemetery Montevideo
Graf Spee Anchor
Buenos Aires Skyline
Plane Flight Path
Site of the first World Cup Final Montevideo
El Caminito, Buenos Aires
Cementerio La Rocaleta, Buenos Aires
Peter Danks & German Ambassador
Casting a white carnation onto River Plate
Lighthouse Colonia del Sacramento
Ajax Anchor at Punta del Este
Mausoleum Cementerio La Rocaleta
River Plate from the air
Our friendly tarantula
Silver River Lodge
Graf Spee Rangefinder
Bob Batt's HMS Achilles Bugle
Ajax Bell
Grave of 3 Achilles crew Montevideo
Malcolm Collis with Andrew Beare MBE
Malcolm Collis with Enrique Dick President of Graf Spee Association
One of many Asados in Puerto Mercado Montevideo
Llama Santiago
Captain Langsdorff's Grave Buenos Aires
Outside the Naval Museum Montevideo
German & British Ambassadors unveiling Riverside Plaque to mark Association Visit
El Caminito Buenos Aires
British Ambassador to Chile receives Association Gifts
The tomb of Eva Peron
Association Flag hoisted on the ROU Capitán Miranda
The Captain, the Mayor, the Admiral & Malcolm
Dave Lear at Graf Spee Memorial Montevideo
Vineyard Santa Cruz
Association Standard Bearers Paul Parker & Dave Lear
One of Graf Spee 6" guns
Richard Empson President British Society in Uruguay receives presentation
Up in the Andes Chile
British Ambassador's Reception Santiago
Association Presentation on behalf of the City of Concepción
The German & British Defence Attachés cast a wreath onto the waters of the River Plate
Dave Lear Association Standard Bearer
Service at Captain Langsdoff's Grave Buenos Aires
Captain Langsdorff's daughter lays a wreath on his Grave Buenos Aires
Captain Langsdorff's Grave Buenos Aires
Nigel Masters lays a wreath on Captain Langsdorff's Grave Buenos Aires
Service at Captain Langsdoff's Grave Buenos Aires
Grandson of Joseph Collis HMS Ajax
Captain Langsdorff's Grave Buenos Aires
Service at Captain Langsdoff's Grave Buenos Aires
Service at Captain Langsdoff's Grave Buenos Aires
Service at Captain Langsdoff's Grave Buenos Aires
Service at Captain Langsdoff's Grave Buenos Aires
Service at Grave of J T Frederick HMS Exeter Buenos Aires
Graf Spee Bronze Eagle
Church Service St George's Chapel, Chatham
Church Service St George's Chapel, Chatham
Church Service St George's Chapel, Chatham
Church Service St George's Chapel, Chatham
Church Service St George's Chapel, Chatham
Church Service St George's Chapel, Chatham
Church Service St George's Chapel, Chatham
Stephen Harwood laying wreath
Rev. Tim Flowers, Nigel Masters & Malcolm Collis
NMA Order of Service
Normandy Memorial
Dennis Talbot
Dennis Talbot & Mike Fox laying wreath
National Anthem
Jack Richardson
The congregation